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What Are The Top 5 Meta Tags?

Here are the top 5 meta tags every website should use. Meta tags are a key part of on-page SEO, helping search engines understand what a webpage is about. They give search engines important information and can affect how your site appears in search results. While there are many types of meta tags, some are more important than others.

Title Tag

The title tag is one of the most important meta tags. It’s the text that appears as the clickable link in search results and is the first thing users see. The title should clearly describe the page’s content and include relevant keywords to help boost your rankings. Keep it under 60 characters so it’s fully shown in search results.

Meta Description Tag

The meta description gives a short summary of the page’s content. It appears just below the title in search results and can influence whether people click on your link. Make sure it’s clear, engaging, and includes keywords that relate to the content. Aim to keep it under 160 characters for full visibility.

Meta Keywords Tag

Although not as important as it used to be, the meta keywords tag can still be helpful and deserves to be in the list of the top 5 meta tags. It lists keywords related to the page content. While Google no longer uses it to rank pages, some smaller search engines do. Add a few relevant keywords to increase visibility on these platforms.

Meta Robots Tag

This tag tells search engines how to handle your page. You can use it to allow or prevent search engines from indexing your page and following links. For example, “index” lets search engines include the page in results, while “noindex” keeps it out. Make sure you use this tag correctly to control how search engines interact with your site.

Canonical Tag

If you have more than one version of the same content, the canonical tag tells search engines which version to prioritise. This can happen with pages that have different URLs, like when you have sorting options or pagination. The canonical tag helps prevent duplicate content issues and ensures the right version of the page appears in search results.

The Takeaway

Meta tags are vital for improving your on-page SEO and can have a big impact on how your website ranks. The top 5 meta tags to focus on are the title tag, meta description tag, meta keywords tag, meta robots tag, and canonical tag. By optimising these tags, you can help search engines understand your content better and attract more visitors to your site.

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